Argentina's new agreement with the IMF

  • Marcelo Pereira Fernandes UFRRJ
  • Antonio José Alves Junior
  • Alexandre Jeronimo de Freitas
  • Rubia Christina Wegner
Keywords: Argentina, FMI, New agreement


The objective of this paper is to analyze Argentina's new agreement with the IMF. We will show that despite the country's fragile economic situation and an adverse external context, the Fernandéz government managed to conclude an agreement that brought some relief to Argentina, without the government committing to structural reforms that the Fund normally imposes.


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How to Cite
Fernandes, M. P., Alves Junior, A. J., Jeronimo de Freitas, A. ., & Christina Wegner, R. (2022). Argentina’s new agreement with the IMF. Brazilian Keynesian Review, 8(2), 248-257.
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