Modern Monetary Theory: Criticisms Through the Lenses of the Original Institutional Economics and the Non-Mainstream Macroeconomic Debate

  • Jan Klink UFABC
  • Gabriel Santos Carneiro EPOG+
  • Bruno Castro Dias da Fonseca UFABC/FFLCH-USP
Keywords: Modern Monetary Theory, MMT, Institutional Economics, Post Keynesian Economics


This paper aims at entering the contemporary debate around the propositions advanced by the Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and the criticisms arising from the non-mainstream field of Economics. The main proposition of the article is that the MMT can earn more robustness and theoretical consistency against these criticisms through the recovery and incorporation of ideas of the Radical Institutional Economics found in the works of Karl Polanyi and Thorstein Veblen. Therefore, after a brief introduction, the paper performs a theoretical synthesis of some of the main concepts of these authors, followed by a presentation of the general ideas of MMT. In sequence, some criticisms to the MMT propositions, which exemplify the absence of a treatment of the impact of institutions in the configuration of macroeconomic states and trajectories, are addressed. In this sense, refocusing on this important dimension of the original institutionalism can contribute to the shaping of a research agenda that is fruitful for the MMT. 


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Author Biographies

Jan Klink, UFABC

Graduated in Economics (Federal University of ABC - UFABC).

Gabriel Santos Carneiro, EPOG+

Graduated in International Relations and Economic Sciences (Federal University of ABC - UFABC). Master in Economic Analysis and Policy & Economic Sciences by the Economic POlicies for the Global Transition Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EPOG+).

Bruno Castro Dias da Fonseca, UFABC/FFLCH-USP

Graduated in International Relations and Economics (Federal University of ABC - UFABC). Master in Sociology (FFLCH-USP). 


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How to Cite
Klink, J., Santos Carneiro, G., & Castro Dias da Fonseca, B. (2024). Modern Monetary Theory: Criticisms Through the Lenses of the Original Institutional Economics and the Non-Mainstream Macroeconomic Debate. Brazilian Keynesian Review, 10(2), 372-393.